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Wednesday, May 23, 2012


How wonderful life will be if there is not a single worry! No worry about what to eat, where to eat, with whom to eat  and when to eat. No worry about getting fat or getting thin. No need to have ambitions, just study to gain knowledge, not to study to get a degree to get employed in a highly paid job, to earn more money to buy a good car, a house or what else you think you need to show others that you are not poor, to show others you got taste, or what else you want to show off to others. Why do  we have to live this life to prove to others what you want to prove to others? 
Yet , we get many people who are preoccupied with doing this. They slogged day and night to 'chase' after the material possessions to put themselves at a level that is comparable to a certain group of people as if without them they are not able to live.
Yes, and when you asked them about God, they professed they believe in Him. However, they are living their lives like everything depended on their own human abilities and whatever successes they achieved are due to their hard work  or intelligence , and after some hesitation, some may even remember it is God.  Some may even say that it is the belief in self and not something that is too difficult to perceive, like God,  and without this confidence, nothing is achievable.
Pray that we remember that though we may be able to plan, God is always in control. We may plan and endeavour to amass as many materialistic possessions as we can , God's hands are still in it.  He may allow it or He may take  away everything in one day.  Scary. Yes, we better fear God and pay Him more attention than the worldly things.  Whatever turns our lives may take, we must praise Him for He is the one who really know us one hundred percent, not even ourselves.  
I wish all my children are missionaries because I think missionaries do not worry too much about worldly things and as a result, they will not be hurting God.   What a life this world is! Full of cares! Only God can give us true freedom, from all kinds of enslavement.

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