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Friday, May 25, 2012

Things that Women Take Pride In

Women are mostly vain, especially those who live in the cities.  Of course, there are some men who are just the same. Besides the face, other parts of the body are given special treatment so that the woman will look young, trendy and rich.  A lot of money is spent on the hair; money spent on washing, blowing dry, styling, perming, steaming, straightening, colouring and in the most recent decade, there is rebonding of hair too.  That is not enough.  The toe nails have to look nice, and they get pedicured and painted.   Fingernails get manicured and painted too.  In recent years,  there seems to be nail salons in almost every big town where nail art is the name of the game.  Nails have never looked so beautiful before! 
Then in recent years too , we have more and more foot massage parlours.  They are indeed very interesting and I came to learn about them when I chanced to peer into one of them after I was attracted towards it by a strange smell of Chinese/Thai ointment. The patrons, which comprise almost equal number of men and women, will take off their shoes, sandals or slippers outside the parlour before they go in.  They will sit on the rather large adjustible chairs while the foot masseurs rub oil on their feet and start massaging them.  I wonder if these people are trained at all! Trained or not, they seem to be able to satisfy their customers.Their customers  are people who feel that they deserve such treats because they have worked hard for their money and it is one way to pamper their dear selves. Of course, there are some who need foot massages due to foot problems.
The body shape is another thing that women are very particular about. Going on a slimming diet to possess a pencil like slimness is often a preoccupation of most young girls. As for Asians, skin of  a fair complexion and  porcelain smoothness is an ideal asset most girls dream to have.  Sun block creams and skin whiteners have never been seen in such abundance on shelves of all skin care departments before.
Foundations, rouge, lipsticks, mascara, false eye lashes , eyeliners, eyeshadows, to name a few, are all used to improve the looks of one who is already a beautiful creation of God.  However, human's idea of what is beautiful changes after a while, after they set their eyes on something that is different from them,  and which triggers something in the brain and sends some impulses to the brain that makes it think the other is more beautiful than what one has been looking at all this while.  Therefore, they start to invent things to make them achieve what they like to see and to own it, even if it is temporary.
Humans are generally vain and that is why there are so many things in the market for them to buy to improve themselves. 
Clothings to reduce flabbiness at the wrong parts or to enhance certain body parts are such innovative ideas when other plans fail.  Women especially are such interesting creatures.  God bless all women!

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