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Friday, May 25, 2012

Compare, Contrast, Differentiate....

Every day decisions are based on choices mostly.  We compare one with another.  We weigh the pros and cons.  The right choice and therefore the right decision is determined by several factors
; by human standards or by what the norm is.  Any deviations will render the decision/s either foolish or unwise.

Some are prejudiced whereas others may well decide based on logically thoughts or even on calculations.
There are some who made decisions based on their religious beliefs and also  some are influenced by what is taught by ancestors who had theorised their ideas after many years of observations.

Lately I have met up with a girl friend whom I have not met for two  decades.  She had changed tremenduously; she has changed from a happy-go lucky girl to a woman full of fears.  Almost every day in her life cannot have passed without faithful refernce to her 'feng shui' book.  How I wished her 'feng shui' book was a Bible instead.  Of course, I did not tell her that.  My heart ached as I listened to her conversation about how she had to make sure every part of her house was renovated according to 'feng shui' requirements.

At the end of the less than half an hour session with her, I felt full of pity for her, not that she was impoverished which she is not at all, but because of her rather 'archaic' beliefs.  I felt that I had been listening to my grandma , because that was how my grandma was.  How can some one who look so modern have such old fashioned thinking? On second thoughts,  Oh no, 'feng shui' is no more old fashioned.  I mean, she sounded like my grandma, or my great grandmother.  I cannot go on listening to that. Why?  I suppose it is the Holy Spirit in me that is not feeling comfortable.

Holy Spirit , are you in me?  Please stay in me.  I need your wisdom always and forever.  Never leave me.

Recently I discovered that when one keep on exerting one's beliefs and faith, especially to a non-believer, one will soon be rejected, no matter how close you have been to her/him.   Sad.  Whatever  it may be, prayers will be said for her/him. 

Art Prints

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