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Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pursue Your Passion

God bless me with children who can study well.  All three of them have high ambitions, and being a mother, I am always encouraging them to go ahead to do what they like.  If they want to study medicine, I tell them , 'Don't hesitate because we may never walk this way again.  We cannot turn back the clock and it is no good to live in regrets'. Pray about it.  Is it what God wants you to do? At the end of the day, most importantly, it must be what God wants and not  whatYOU want. It is so easy to forget that, especially when we are so caught up with the world.

There are many choices available; local universities, cheaper Indonesian or Russian ones, or the more expensive, unaffordable by many, Australian or British universities. Of course, there is the issue of finance to consider.  Medical courses are very expensive and the cheapest adds up to about a hundred thousand to two hundred thousand ringgit.  The only way is to take up a loan which is available at 50 to 100 percent and the repayment will only take effect once the borrower starts to work.  The interest will also take effect concurrently and at one percent per annum.  Repayment can be stretched over a maximum period of  twenty years.  Sounds not too frightening though. A simple calculation on a loan of about 150k will reveal that a repayment of monthly a thousand to two thousand will be needed once the borrower starts working.  At the current economic situation, it seems that the amount is not that hard to fork out but initially it will be rather tight for the new earner.  It will mean having to be thrifty and it does not mean that if you are a doctor,  you need to live like a rich person.  At least not for the first few years, five years maybe.  That is what one has to forgo if one wants to do what one truly loves.  You have to pay a price.  Nothing comes easy, especially being a doctor.

 In fact, I see many doctors living a simple life, not too luxurious though.  I suppose they are 'rich' in the joy that is derived from the kind of work they do or are able to do.  God bless all doctors and doctors to be!

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