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Saturday, May 26, 2012

Love Disguised

What a learning experience I am having day by day! God's manisfestation revealed.  Why didn't it occured to me before?  Is it  something to do with my personal efforts in getting close to Him!  Or is it His planned timing when He wants to show up suddenly? 
Why is my attitude towards a difficult friend suddenly changed?  Why am I not feeling irritated by her selfish traits anymore? Why is the tone of  my voice as I speak to her suddenly sounding gentler? I need not tolerate her anymore! I have not been too true to her, I must admit.  I can't even believe myself now.  I am even enjoying being with her.  I am even beginning to love her like a sister and she, in turn, responded with sincerity which I had thought she was not capable of.  Thank God I did not give up hope on her.  I was thinking of avoiding her because I was, at one point, badly affected by her selfishness and stubborness. A few friends who are known to us mutually had warned me of her queerness and they had long avoided her as much as possible.  God's lessons are so difficult to understand.  I must remember to be more tolerant, as well as be more patient towards anybody at all.
We are often tested.  I can be very critical sometimes and so quick in forgetting that we should not be judging others.  Even if we do not voice out, but if the thoughts are in our minds, we are doing wrong already. Have kinder thoughts of another, try to be more understanding.  Never criticise or judge as if these have become your 'staples' or necessities.

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