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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Internet and Facebook, Knowledge and Friendship

Recently it just dawned on me how one can get stuffed with as much knowledge as one is able to contain due to the availability of the internet and especially due to many free online courses offered by universities all over the world.  However, I have mixed feelings about this.  Firstly, I was indeed overjoyed by the new discovery.  Secondly, I felt it is such a pity that some people especially some youngsters will rather choose to go on 'bad' websites than the ones beneficial to them.
Now, I wished I could turn back the clock.  I wished I am now a young person; one who is still in high school.  It is just wonderful to be able to get information from the numerous sources in the internet.
I could go online and get help with my homework instead of pondering over my problems for hours and hours trying to figure them out myself.
School homework now is a thing of the past. Now I am happy with spiritual websites, especially Christian sermons from the States and UK.  I can listen to the sermons in the archives or do bible study too.  I need not worry about missing out on anything due to my inattention because I can repeat the lessons over and over again by clicking the buttons on the keyboard.  Learning God's words had never been easier and more fun.  I find myself having such a big appetite for learning the Bible but alas, my memory is not that good these days.  I find myself repeating the lessons sometimes because I want to fully understand them.   Thank God for the internet.

The Facebook is equally useful.  When I have doubts, I can get my friends to give me second opinions. For one who is too busy with family and household chores, the Facebook is a vital link to the outside world.  It makes one feel there is someone out there even if you feel so alone.  However, there are some 'friends' who are not sincere and you have to be careful with them.  Instead of lifting you or making your days happier, these people have nothing better to do but to put you down.  These people should not be on Facebook at all because that is not what Zuckerberg intended.  Maybe there should be a kind of 'police' to track these people down. Facebook should be used to foster better ties and understanding amongst all mankind; the result of which there should be less racists, extremists and more harmonious living. God bless Facebook!  A friend in Facebook said it rightly; we Christians are not strangers, not even over Facebook.  I felt the warmth of Christ's love already.  How wonderful to be in this family!
However, one really should be very disciplined.  I am having so much fun these days in front of my computer that I am forgetting to go for my workouts.  That is bad for my health.  It should not be that way.  Time for some physical exercises!
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