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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

SPM Desperado

In another five months' time, two of my students will be sitting for their SPM examinations.  I am teaching them Modern Mathematics, Additional Mathematics, General Science and Principles of Accounts.  Normally, students who at this juncture are still having zero preparedness for the examination subjects will find difficulty engaging a tutor to coach them.  Most tutors do not like their reputation to be at a stake. 
I am stupid to take up this challenge, some say. The reason why some of my friends say I am stupid is that these students are going to take up a lot of my time.  I am aware of this because this is not the first time I have very weak students.
I just like doing something no one else like to do. More hours, no extra charge. So what? Call me stupid if you like.
If you have a situation like this, just strategise. I told myself that.  I will go straight into tackling the past year questions.  These students had been in their own world too long.  They had not felt the urgency of preparing for their examinations.  Some children are like that.  They are extremely dreamy and some people may mistaken that for laziness.  I try not to think negatively about them.  If I do not have any love for them, I cannot possibly be willing to sacrifice my time for them.  I must learn not to think too much in terms of dollars and cents. 
True enough, they were startled at how little they know or how little they can produce when I gave them the past examination paper to do.  Now, they feel the urgency.  Now, I can see them pulling up their socks.  See, they are not totally helpless.  How gratifying to see them happy at their own efforts! The end of the road is still far away.  Don't give up girls!  I believe you can, just keep going.

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