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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Random Sketches

Some of the random sketches I have done from photos a friend had taken on a day at the park  .I was enthralled at how much the park can offer.  Wish it is where I live but alas, I think I have to wait for a couple of years yet. 

Two photos sketched on a single piece of paper
 The picture was first done with the light switched on not as bright as when I touched it up the second time.  Later the picture looks brighter .The final picture is the one above but it is still incomplete.  I will continue on another day because I just can't get it right and I don't  want to waste my paint.So difficult that I am almost giving up; I guess it is  my impatience that is getting the best of me.

I wish to do better.  I am not good enough

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