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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Playing 'House'

One of the many games that my childhood girl friends and I used to enjoy very much was playing 'house'.  Someone would pretend to be the mother , whose duties involved cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children.  Others would be either children or the father.  Usually none liked to be father because 'he' did not get to do much.  'He' did not get to cook using improvised cooking utensils from empty tins which we salvaged from
the rubbish bin, and the most interesting part of all was the chance to make a 'fire' to make the cooking more real.
This we woud do by getting some dry leaves and after putting them in between some rocks, we would lit them up by using  matchsticks stolen from one of our mothers' kitchen. Very soon after that, our game which had reached the most exciting level , had to be stopped.  The smoke from the spitting fire would soon get into the houses and our mothers would be yelling at us for endangering the lives of all.  However, as far as I remembered, there was not a case of any wooden house being burnt down by little girls playing 'house', though there were many cases of  wooden houses burnt down by boys or men firing fireworks.

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