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Monday, March 19, 2012

Most Misunderstood

Janice wonders  if there is anyone else who can be as patient as she is.  She is  not bragging about herself but truly, there have been too many times that she  has been commended as being very patient.  Sometimes, she has been told to be less patient, to be less 'saintly' and  has been persuaded to break a rule or two. She supposes God made her that way.  It is hard to change though she wished at times, she could be bolder and had insisted on having things her way.  If she does try at all, she thinks she  would have never liked the consequence.  To keep the peace,she would just give in.  Her dad used to commend on her easy going nature.
Some friends even thought she was being bullied but she refused to think so.  She believes she is  actually quite strong beneath all the so called sufferings.  Come what may, she will overcome because of her faith in Jesus who has never failed her but has always been around with His hands reaching out. There have been too many 'miracles' that happened in her life that are only explainable to Him.  And she wants to believe it is Him, no other.
Be patient with people who refuse to understand you.  Be patient with people who accuse you of whatever they like to .  Be  patient with people who are jealous of you and cause you to suffer. 
What does she care about all these people?  They are so small in the eyes of God.  What does she have to fear when she has the Almighty God on her side?

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