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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dying , Yet with Worries

I wonder whether all parents with children, very young or older, when faced with death have the same things in mind-worries for their children.  I have seen my own parents during the moments of their last breaths with worried looks in their eyes and with hands holding on to the someone whom they had entrusted responsibility of taking care of the household. Both of them had failed speech faculties during the last moments, and it was as if they wanted to remind the 'trustee' of what they had entrusted upon him. Onlookers were touched to tears and it also set the members of the family crying and sobbing as they bid their last farewell.  Strangely, they somehow knew  when they were going to die because later, as it happened in both of my parents' cases, they would just leave the world and never to be back again.  Both my parents died in our absence.  Perhaps it was because they would not want to scare us too much.  They would not like the younger ones to know at such a young age how frail a human life can be. This is how much our parents love us.  Even at their deathbeds, we were their 'babies', always needing their care.

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