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Saturday, March 10, 2012

Magical River

 I regret  the disappearance of  the clear water rivers gurgling as they flowed down the mountains, of the shrinking of the enchanting virgin forests filled with incessant sound of cicadas, of the contamination of the pale beige sand along the beaches .  I hope there is some sort of a control or restoration.

I experienced the disappearance of one of the most memorable rivers of my life.  I do not know if I could ever be able wade in such a river anymore. It had river sand under my feet as  I stepped into its cool , clear  water  and it was a shallow river.  Many children would love to play in it.  I had many good times , wading and bathing in it.  The current was not strong which made it very safe for children.  Near the river bank, which was sandy, I could see some tiny river crabs.  I used to get hold of a few to bring home in a bottle but sad
to say, they did not live.  I supposed they died due to the lack of food.  They could not eat the pieces of bread that I threw in. I was too young to understand about plankton or other tiny organisms that they feed on.  Sometimes, my brother would bring along a rattan basket which he would use to push it into some reeds or waterweeds growing along the river bank.  As he drew out the basket, I would watch gleefully at the tiny  river shrimps jumping about as excitedly as I was.
Every now and then, we would be able to see silver fishes that darted past us like speeding cars along the freeway.  They had never once swam into us, though we were moving about in the water very much.
Those were the carefree days when mothers did not worry too much about child abductors.  Of course, we did have a few narrow escapes like encountering a poisonous snake but somehow God seemed to be very close by. 

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