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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The Much Loved Leader

I used to have a very good Sunday school lady teacher who was about 64 at about that time.  I admired her very much and would be very unhappy if I had to miss any of her classes.  She just had a wonderful way of telling the Scriptures that no other person could do.  Being a teeanger at that time, I had this funny behaviour of liking certain people very much and certain people would just put me off no matter how much my mother tried to put them in my good books.
Just before retiring due to her illness, this particular Sunday school teacher would often, during her lessons, mentioned about her recent weak health though not specifically.  I remember I was very unhappy about that and every time she mentioned something negative like her having sleeplessness, I would be very impatient.  In actual fact, I was afraid of losing her.  I had wanted her to stay forever as my Sunday school teacher.  Sometimes, I would ignore her and stopped her sharing her thoughts about her bad health. I really did not want her to be sick at all.
The day when she stopped coming to teach us had me stopping Sunday school too.  No amount of persuasion from my mother could bring me back.  I was very stubborn.  I was actually angry with God in a way.  My mother thought I was being disobedient to her.  Little did she realise that I was being defiant to God.  I was blaming God for taking her away!
It is the same with my children now.  I can see how unhappy when they hear me telling them about my bad health.  I can feel how they feel.  It is a sense of insecurity.  Therefore, if you are not feeling that bad, it is better to keep it to yourself, and not share it with your children too much.  They love you, no doubt about that but when they hear something bad about you, they will feel sad and sometimes, they do not know what to do especially when they are still young or teenagers.  Be brave for them and don't be a softie, moaning over little pains. Jesus had gone through greater pains than us!

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