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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

His Ways From Time Beginning

The countless things that have happened in our lives were often never linked to the Divine Plan of our Almighty God.  We just completely forgot about it.  Fingers were waved at one another, hoping the bad thing that happened was never one's own fault but the fault of one who was meek enough to admit that he or she had something to do with it.  When something good happened, very quickly there was one or a few to take credit for it or to claim a right to it.
Sometimes we even hear people blaming God for bad things that happen to them.  How unwise to do that! To think that our Creator who has given us Life and put us to live in this beautiful world would at the same time let us suffer?  Perhaps, they have forgotten that there is what we called the Evil Forces or some people address 'him' as S.A. TAN. This is a 'party spoiler', and the cause of all the bad things that happen to you.  How is it that God, who has supreme power, cannot stop it?  In actual fact, He can but He just allows it to happen.  Cruel?  No, it is just part of His Divine ways.  It is a way of moulding our character, and most of the time, we do not see it.  It is those who walk closely with Him that can spot it easily and proceed to praise Him for the challenges or trials.  Those who walk closely to Him will be enlightened by His words in the Bible and will understand how He works.
  Wouldn't it be good that we read and ponder over His words that is so full of wisdom so that whatever that happens to us , we just know how to react? We will not  be so flustered and go around like a mad chicken blaming or hating everyone or your own self even when things go bad.  I used to put myself in such a bad demeanour when things do not turn out as happy as I hope to be.  Later, when God irons out things for me, which He always does finally, I felt so bad because God has always, never failing even once, been there all the time with me and for me.  God is really wonderful!

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