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Friday, July 13, 2012

What Did I Forget?

I am trying to remember now what it was I wanted to write an hour ago.  It was something very important , very interesting and intellectual. That much I can remember now.  I wanted to write it immediately as the inspiration came but I was called to attend to the yelping dog and the ever demanding 'other half'. Oh, what was it now?
Perhaps one day I will write about how I forgot to write what I forgot to write.
Sounds baffling.
What was it? What was it?
Nobody can help me except myself.
Should have jotted it down on a piece of paper or something.
How can I forget something so important.
Maybe I should leave it as it is now.  Next moment, next day or possibly in the next few days, the same inspiration may come.  By Grace of God, I hope it is something useful, meaningful and worthwhile writing.
What was it?

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