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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Of Balsams and the 'Ginseng' Plant

The  right hand of a female flower enthusiast has strewn some seeds of the balsam plants randomly over the flower pots at a corner of her house.  Those were the prospective producers of deep red and bright pink blooms of the newly found interest.
A week passed. Many tiny seedlings have sprouted.  The lady was going to let nature take its course; just  as what her garden was befittingly themed, 'Miniature Wilderness'.  What a naughty idea it was, she thought.  Soon, there were going to be critters coming although she was not expecting many varieties. At least I could get some company in the early morning, she thought to herself, when the house  would be as silent as a graveyard; after the children have all left for school and the 'grumpy bear'  has gone to 'hunt' for the day's provision. 
Then, the balsam plants were getting taller and leafier.  She thought she heard the 'ginseng' plant gasping for breath.  She parted the bigger balsam plants to reveal an inconspicuous straggly 'ginseng' plant hidden away.  How pathetic! It has lost its glory to the stronger balsams.
 Now, the faithful 'ginseng' plant has hardly any green leaves left and its tiny purplish flowers are a shameful sight.  The blooms have no chance to reach maturity, and they have all dropped, failing to open their buds.  The plant is obviously deprived of nutrients.  Oh, I must save it fast.  I do not want it to go 'extinct'.  My poor 'ginseng' plant! You have served me well by giving me the most beautiful and the daintiest of purple flowers, and I remembered how happy you have made me.  How could I forget!
She sets off to cut off some of the balsams' leaves to make sure the 'ginseng' plant gets its share of sunlight.  In my world, there is going to be equality for all.  Everyone has a share of this world, she tells the plants, the critters which had come by and the tiny dog that is watching all her actions nonplussed. Ah, there it is! Balsam, you won't die with this little sacrifice, neither will 'Ginseng' with its uncomplaining and generous sharing. No boundaries of any sort, probably some physical barriers, no political parties, no religious divides,  just simple, plain old survival rules, with Mother Nature watching over.

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