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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Never Satisfied, It Must Be a Prompting

Often heard is that quite many people don't seem to be happy in their present situation, and often they will wish for greener pastures somewhere.
Probably the solution is not the drastic decision to physically move on to where one hopes to find
'paradise'.  However, it may be just a prompting that one  should do something in the present place to change the situation in order to achieve the so-called 'happiness' or 'comfortable' life. Just imagine if everyone becomes very mobile and there will be numerous movement from one continent to another.  Definitely a boost to the airline industry and the real estate agencies.On a smaller scale, some city dwellers sometimes pine for country living whereas some countryside people will yearn to go to the cities for the excitement and the amenities after a while. Instead of having this kind of 'unsettled feeling' unresolved year after year, decade after decade, something may have to be done.
Just as we hope ourselves to be all rounders, the towns or cities we live in should also be such.  They will ideally be ones that have a mix of the vibrant and interesting city life, and the serene, fresh countryside goodness. Wouldn't you like it if while on your hectic, almost mad rush to your corporate office somewhere on the high floors of the skycrapers, you get to pass by a stretch of farms, be it an animal farm, or vegetable farm or an orchard? You might even have time to get a bottle of fresh newly pasteurised warm milk from a dairy farm, or some fresh  fruits just plucked from the trees or  fresh vegetables on your way to or from work, whichever appropriate.  You might even laugh at the idea, at the suggestion to have farms when the land in the city is exorbitantly priced.  But who says it is going to be a large piece of land? It is killing two birds with one stone actually.  It will serve to function as a green lung as well as a place for busy city dwellers to get really fresh food.  On the other hand, the farmers will be able to reap more profit, doing away the middle man charges.That is what I call life worth living.  Working so hard at the work place, under great pressure to be productive, to perform superbly well and then we get rewarded with fresh air , food and water.

I think I am speaking in my dreams.  I think it must be one of my dreams remembered.

Art Prints

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