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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
My Stories: A Day Without Christ
My Stories: A Day Without Christ: The other day I let myself loose, meaning I went back to my old self of being grouchy, resentful, hateful, revengeful and bitter. It was...
A Day Without Christ
The other day I let myself loose, meaning I went back to my old self
of being grouchy, resentful, hateful, revengeful and bitter. It was
so easy to fall into Satan's temptations. Completely effortless.
I began the morning by uttering a negative remark, spoiling everybody's mood for that day.
I refused to feel bad about it. I stuck to the thought that I was being very right about what I had to say.
The afternoon went past terribly as if the morning outcry of unhappiness had some sort of a domino effect on events that followed later. Just after everybody had left the house , I was set to go and do my usual errands. I was about to reverse my car out of my car porch when my neighbour who lives directly opposite did the same. For a moment, I did not see her car reversing for my mind was focussed on the front . I had thought the coast was clear and I need not worry about the back so much. That was because when I opened my gate earlier, I did not see anybody outside her house. Fortunately, I slammed on the brakes just in time to avoid crashing on the rear side of her car. I was extremely mad at her for it was not the first time that lady was in my way. A few days ago, she had parked her car in front of my house making it impossible for me to drive my car back to the porch, I had to wait for her to come out of her house in her sweet time to have her park her car properly, that was to park it in her own porch. I was actually very provoked that day into blowing my top off but I had myself under very good control. However it was a different matter this particular day. Satan wanted me to show her how much I had tolerated her nonsense, so I hit on my car horn so hard that it sounded very loudly. I could see her sulking and I even gave her my most unfriendly stare. Yes, I thought, don't you think you deserve this? You have been asking for this kind of treatment, right? I am giving it to you today. I am very good at doing this , you know, but I had long put 'it' in cold storage, all for the love of my Lord Jesus. Not because I am scared of offending you but because I fear God more. Still, God doesn't think I am doing right.
The next bad thing that followed was I had to stop my lesson halfway and had to leave my student in the house while I went off to pick up my son from the train station. God gave me another trial. Somehow, I misunderstood my son's message and thought that he would soon be on his way when in actual fact , he was not. He had just left the school premises and had not got on board the train yet. I wasted my time waiting at the pick up point for 45 minutes and my student was very unhappy as she expected me to be back 15 minutes later. I got into a rage again. When I saw my son's tired face and having to bear the brunt of my frustrations, suddenly I was awakened and I realised how selfish I had become. How ugly one can get if one does not give the day to Christ? I realised that I did not read His Word or say a word of prayer that morning. I must have been bogged down by my recent busyness that I was not giving Him sufficient attention. I have behaved like a wild hungry beast. Forgive me Lord!
1 Timothy 2:2-3...for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.
Pray that I may have the peace in my heart always , and let God's love shine through me.
I began the morning by uttering a negative remark, spoiling everybody's mood for that day.
I refused to feel bad about it. I stuck to the thought that I was being very right about what I had to say.
The afternoon went past terribly as if the morning outcry of unhappiness had some sort of a domino effect on events that followed later. Just after everybody had left the house , I was set to go and do my usual errands. I was about to reverse my car out of my car porch when my neighbour who lives directly opposite did the same. For a moment, I did not see her car reversing for my mind was focussed on the front . I had thought the coast was clear and I need not worry about the back so much. That was because when I opened my gate earlier, I did not see anybody outside her house. Fortunately, I slammed on the brakes just in time to avoid crashing on the rear side of her car. I was extremely mad at her for it was not the first time that lady was in my way. A few days ago, she had parked her car in front of my house making it impossible for me to drive my car back to the porch, I had to wait for her to come out of her house in her sweet time to have her park her car properly, that was to park it in her own porch. I was actually very provoked that day into blowing my top off but I had myself under very good control. However it was a different matter this particular day. Satan wanted me to show her how much I had tolerated her nonsense, so I hit on my car horn so hard that it sounded very loudly. I could see her sulking and I even gave her my most unfriendly stare. Yes, I thought, don't you think you deserve this? You have been asking for this kind of treatment, right? I am giving it to you today. I am very good at doing this , you know, but I had long put 'it' in cold storage, all for the love of my Lord Jesus. Not because I am scared of offending you but because I fear God more. Still, God doesn't think I am doing right.
The next bad thing that followed was I had to stop my lesson halfway and had to leave my student in the house while I went off to pick up my son from the train station. God gave me another trial. Somehow, I misunderstood my son's message and thought that he would soon be on his way when in actual fact , he was not. He had just left the school premises and had not got on board the train yet. I wasted my time waiting at the pick up point for 45 minutes and my student was very unhappy as she expected me to be back 15 minutes later. I got into a rage again. When I saw my son's tired face and having to bear the brunt of my frustrations, suddenly I was awakened and I realised how selfish I had become. How ugly one can get if one does not give the day to Christ? I realised that I did not read His Word or say a word of prayer that morning. I must have been bogged down by my recent busyness that I was not giving Him sufficient attention. I have behaved like a wild hungry beast. Forgive me Lord!
1 Timothy 2:2-3...for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Saviour, who wants all men to be saved and come to a knowledge of the truth.
Pray that I may have the peace in my heart always , and let God's love shine through me.
Friday, April 13, 2012
My Stories: Being a Filial Daughter-What does it take?
My Stories: Being a Filial Daughter-What does it take?: Watching her father, who walked with a limp caused by a longer right leg(a defect since child birth), working under the hot tropical sun a...
My Stories: Nothing Better to Talk About
My Stories: Nothing Better to Talk About: One of the things that teenagers like to talk about is the topic on ghost stories. Sometimes they can talk on ends about ghost stories, sc...
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Being a Filial Daughter-What does it take?
Watching her father, who walked with a limp caused by a longer right leg(a defect since child birth), working under the hot tropical sun ached her heart. Sheila was angry with him but at the same time, she also pitied him. Angry at him for remarrying someone much too young, nearly half his age and fathering two more children in his mid fifties. Pitied him because he had to do it for his own survival or was it for hers too? Sheila took all this in quietly and without any show of her true mixed feelings.
She felt that she had no right to interfere because she was still eating out of his hands instead of helping him. Another two years more, she would be out of school and would be legally employable. There was no doubt he loved all of them, her half siblings and her. He was a great man, generous to others but not too much luxuries for himself.
He taught her the virtues of tolerance and humility. He believed that when there is harmony in the family, all things will be fine. Sheila wanted this to happen in her family and that was why she had never stir up any discontent or disagreement in the family. She wanted life for her father to be easier as he stayed 'sandwiched' between her stepmum and her. Sheila tried not to compete for his attentions. Some of her mum's good friends praised her for being understanding and for having a good behaviour. They even said that her mum would be very proud of her 'up in Heaven', as most Buddhists would believe that good souls 'go up to Heaven' whereas evil ones 'go down to Hell'.
Sheila had never asked for financial help for further education, knowing how bad her father's situation was at the time she graduated from high school. Two babies to feed, her elder brother's education to finance, which eventually stopped after a year, a young wife to lavish spending on to make her happy, new in-laws to give treats and gifts to, now and then. He was not a rich man but that was not what he had impressed on his new wife and the ever encroaching in-laws. In a way, Sheila supposed, it was all done to make the stepmum's friends and relatives think that she had married a rich old man. At this, Sheila sighed heavily for she knew her father's age was catching up and it was very hard for him to keep up.
Much later after her father had passed on, she was surprised at some accusations that she had actually pestered her father often for financial assistance to study overseas. What on earth would she want to do that for? She had not even applied to any university overseas? Even the fees needed for a local college was hard to get, what more any amount for studies overseas! She was very clear about the situation then. Definitely it was not what she had done. She did not know whether to be infuriated or to laugh. Whatever accusations were made , she supposed they were merely to justify one's guilt but who is blaming anybody? Who is complaining about anything? Isn't life too short for us to dwell on the stupid past? Sheila had long resigned to fate or rather she believed it is all in God's big plan for her. Blaming this and that will just mean she is not happy with God. That is the last thing she wants to do!
She felt that she had no right to interfere because she was still eating out of his hands instead of helping him. Another two years more, she would be out of school and would be legally employable. There was no doubt he loved all of them, her half siblings and her. He was a great man, generous to others but not too much luxuries for himself.
He taught her the virtues of tolerance and humility. He believed that when there is harmony in the family, all things will be fine. Sheila wanted this to happen in her family and that was why she had never stir up any discontent or disagreement in the family. She wanted life for her father to be easier as he stayed 'sandwiched' between her stepmum and her. Sheila tried not to compete for his attentions. Some of her mum's good friends praised her for being understanding and for having a good behaviour. They even said that her mum would be very proud of her 'up in Heaven', as most Buddhists would believe that good souls 'go up to Heaven' whereas evil ones 'go down to Hell'.
Sheila had never asked for financial help for further education, knowing how bad her father's situation was at the time she graduated from high school. Two babies to feed, her elder brother's education to finance, which eventually stopped after a year, a young wife to lavish spending on to make her happy, new in-laws to give treats and gifts to, now and then. He was not a rich man but that was not what he had impressed on his new wife and the ever encroaching in-laws. In a way, Sheila supposed, it was all done to make the stepmum's friends and relatives think that she had married a rich old man. At this, Sheila sighed heavily for she knew her father's age was catching up and it was very hard for him to keep up.
Much later after her father had passed on, she was surprised at some accusations that she had actually pestered her father often for financial assistance to study overseas. What on earth would she want to do that for? She had not even applied to any university overseas? Even the fees needed for a local college was hard to get, what more any amount for studies overseas! She was very clear about the situation then. Definitely it was not what she had done. She did not know whether to be infuriated or to laugh. Whatever accusations were made , she supposed they were merely to justify one's guilt but who is blaming anybody? Who is complaining about anything? Isn't life too short for us to dwell on the stupid past? Sheila had long resigned to fate or rather she believed it is all in God's big plan for her. Blaming this and that will just mean she is not happy with God. That is the last thing she wants to do!
Nothing Better to Talk About
One of the things that teenagers like to talk about is the topic on ghost stories. Sometimes they can talk on ends about ghost stories, scaring themselves even long after they had finished them. I personally think that one should not indulge in such conversations if one is weak in spirit. It is not something to be taken lightly.It is better to be infused with good thoughts instead of dark ones, for the former will light up our spirit and make us grow into people who are loving and kind instead of weird and heinous characters.
Making up stories about haunted school toilets, halls, dormitories or libraries especially by senior students, is an irresponsible and thoughtless act This will put the younger ones in jitters. I remember when I was in primary school, I had to hold my bladder till I could not any longer before I finally excused myself from the teacher to go to the toilet. I was terrified of going there because I kept on remembering the ghost story about somebody who had commited suicide by hanging herself in one of the toilets. I remember that once I nearly wet my undies as I hurried to get out after I was frightened by the smacking sound made by a gecko, thinking it was the female ghost whom in my imagination had untidy long hair, with some of it covering her face, wearing a long white gown, very silent, and often lapping her long droopy red tongue at something. Very often I would feel rather cold as I stepped into the toilets. Very disturbing for a seven year old and it continued for a couple of years until I grew stronger in the heart. A few of my friends often wanted to go to the toilets with another friend but our teachers would not let us because they suspected us for playing there, much to our dismay. Now I wondered why we did not tell them our fears then. Were teachers of the past that unapproachable? That reminded me too about a classmate of mine who soiled her undies because she did not dare to go to the toilet. The teacher was very mad at the idea that she had to do the dirty work but finally, she called in the janitor to do it instead. Everybody had to pinch their noses that morning and the poor little girl could not explain her fears. Therefore it is important that these story telling people be more positive in their thoughts. It is like hanging a picture in your dining hall or bedroom. Would you like an awful picture like 'The Scream' or a picture of beautiful flowers, a lovely lady or a beautiful scenery? If you hang a depressing picture on your wall, I am sure depressing thoughts will accompany you too.
Isn't there enough of life's problems and worries to deal with? Why put unwanted fear in another's life?
The dead might have gone on with their 'after life' totally unperturbed with the present going ons while we are still so much concerned about them. They might be very surprised why we even bother to! Let us be happy spirits instead. Let us sing praises to our Creator and declare our love to Him!
Making up stories about haunted school toilets, halls, dormitories or libraries especially by senior students, is an irresponsible and thoughtless act This will put the younger ones in jitters. I remember when I was in primary school, I had to hold my bladder till I could not any longer before I finally excused myself from the teacher to go to the toilet. I was terrified of going there because I kept on remembering the ghost story about somebody who had commited suicide by hanging herself in one of the toilets. I remember that once I nearly wet my undies as I hurried to get out after I was frightened by the smacking sound made by a gecko, thinking it was the female ghost whom in my imagination had untidy long hair, with some of it covering her face, wearing a long white gown, very silent, and often lapping her long droopy red tongue at something. Very often I would feel rather cold as I stepped into the toilets. Very disturbing for a seven year old and it continued for a couple of years until I grew stronger in the heart. A few of my friends often wanted to go to the toilets with another friend but our teachers would not let us because they suspected us for playing there, much to our dismay. Now I wondered why we did not tell them our fears then. Were teachers of the past that unapproachable? That reminded me too about a classmate of mine who soiled her undies because she did not dare to go to the toilet. The teacher was very mad at the idea that she had to do the dirty work but finally, she called in the janitor to do it instead. Everybody had to pinch their noses that morning and the poor little girl could not explain her fears. Therefore it is important that these story telling people be more positive in their thoughts. It is like hanging a picture in your dining hall or bedroom. Would you like an awful picture like 'The Scream' or a picture of beautiful flowers, a lovely lady or a beautiful scenery? If you hang a depressing picture on your wall, I am sure depressing thoughts will accompany you too.
Isn't there enough of life's problems and worries to deal with? Why put unwanted fear in another's life?
The dead might have gone on with their 'after life' totally unperturbed with the present going ons while we are still so much concerned about them. They might be very surprised why we even bother to! Let us be happy spirits instead. Let us sing praises to our Creator and declare our love to Him!
Monday, April 2, 2012
My Stories: Of Demand and Supply
My Stories: Of Demand and Supply: For the past two days I was trying to impart my knowledge of the basics of economics to my son who had decided to drop physics in favour of...
My Stories: Of Trigonometrical Functions, and Other Functions
My Stories: Of Trigonometrical Functions, and Other Functions: Once again I was put into the much loathed challenge of solving 'A' level Mathematics. I had only obtained a pass when I sat for the exam ...
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Of Trigonometrical Functions, and Other Functions
Once again I was put into the much loathed challenge of solving 'A' level Mathematics. I had only obtained a pass when I sat for the exam several decades ago. After I had 'resurrected' from dying in it, I had this unexplainable phobia at the mere mention of the subject. Now, I had to erase all fears just for my son's sake. Oh, how I hated and feared the subject!
I stared at the question in front of me. I prayed hard. Lord, I do need your empowerment. I believe You are able to do something. You must help me. Hold, and behold, I managed to bring up some important points that helped my son solve the problem quickly! I am surprised at myself too. Can I do it myself? Never, never if there is no help from God. I progressed to help him, though not much. This old brain of mind has its use still. At the end of the day, my son could finish all the sums for that day's tutorials, though not perfectly. He has to get them confirmed about their correctness by his lecturer. At least, he dared to try. Bravo, son! Sorry, I cannot afford a specialist tutor! But God will help if you have had helped yourself. Yes, He will.
I stared at the question in front of me. I prayed hard. Lord, I do need your empowerment. I believe You are able to do something. You must help me. Hold, and behold, I managed to bring up some important points that helped my son solve the problem quickly! I am surprised at myself too. Can I do it myself? Never, never if there is no help from God. I progressed to help him, though not much. This old brain of mind has its use still. At the end of the day, my son could finish all the sums for that day's tutorials, though not perfectly. He has to get them confirmed about their correctness by his lecturer. At least, he dared to try. Bravo, son! Sorry, I cannot afford a specialist tutor! But God will help if you have had helped yourself. Yes, He will.
Of Demand and Supply
For the past two days I was trying to impart my knowledge of the basics of economics to my son who had decided to drop physics in favour of the said subject. It was hard to attempt to teach so much in such a short time. I realise there is a certain degree of failure on my part in his upbringing because at the age of seventeen, he has little idea of how the money market works. He did not understand why the banks are so kind in letting us put money with them for safekeeping and yet have to pay us interest. Oh no, my son, you are wrong. That's not what they do, I mean, they are not doing us a favour for nothing. They are not charitable organisations. He felt a bit embarraseed too about his naivety. I went on to explain to him what the nature of business a bank is dealing with.
That reminded me about the past when I tried to persuade my children about taking up commerce or economics at secondary school level but they declined because they had too many subjects to take and also they were not interested to read about them at all except those subjects required for the exams. Every day our conversations at home did not cover much about money matters either. Our daily exchanges are mostly about the bad traffic, the polluted air, the heat, food, TV shows, music, tuition , schoolwork, exams, friends or relatives , the dog or the obnoxious neighbour(God forgive me ) and his five frequently barking dogs, other than my faith which I am quite serious about.
Finally, I had his mind filled with some basic theories of economics, introduced him the famous people in the field and put him amongst realistic people of the business world. In other words, I had him start thinking about money, something quite different from what he used to study about: biology, chemistry or mathemetics.
That reminded me about the past when I tried to persuade my children about taking up commerce or economics at secondary school level but they declined because they had too many subjects to take and also they were not interested to read about them at all except those subjects required for the exams. Every day our conversations at home did not cover much about money matters either. Our daily exchanges are mostly about the bad traffic, the polluted air, the heat, food, TV shows, music, tuition , schoolwork, exams, friends or relatives , the dog or the obnoxious neighbour(God forgive me ) and his five frequently barking dogs, other than my faith which I am quite serious about.
Finally, I had his mind filled with some basic theories of economics, introduced him the famous people in the field and put him amongst realistic people of the business world. In other words, I had him start thinking about money, something quite different from what he used to study about: biology, chemistry or mathemetics.
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