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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Of Trigonometrical Functions, and Other Functions

Once again I was put into the much loathed challenge of solving 'A' level Mathematics.  I had only obtained a pass when I sat for the exam several decades ago.  After I had 'resurrected' from dying in it, I had this unexplainable phobia  at the mere mention of the subject.  Now, I had to erase all fears just for my son's sake.  Oh, how I hated and feared the subject!
I stared at the question in front of me. I prayed hard.  Lord, I do need your empowerment.  I believe You are able to do something. You must help me.  Hold, and behold, I managed to bring up some important points that  helped my son solve the problem quickly!   I am surprised at  myself too.  Can I do it myself?  Never, never if there is no help from God.  I progressed to help him, though not much.  This old brain of mind has its use still.  At the end of the day, my son could finish all the sums for that day's tutorials, though not perfectly.  He has to get them confirmed about their correctness by his lecturer.  At least, he dared to try.  Bravo, son! Sorry, I cannot afford a specialist tutor!   But God will help if you have had helped yourself.  Yes, He will.

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