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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Second Eye Infection

It is three years after the first eye infection I ever had. My eyes were red and teary. I resorted to home remedies. I washed my eyes thoroughly with eye lotion and saline solution.
After a week it did not get better. This time I had been more careful than before. I had my hair all clipped up so that not even a single strand fell on my forehead or touched the eyes. I had my hands sanitised by antibacterial wipes and stopped all cleaning chores about the house. Still my eyes continued to be teary and red. They looked different from previous 'attack' and the dark brown iris now seemed to be slightly clouded and losing its complete roudness. OMG! I was shocked and on the second week I went to see a general practitioner. He reprimanded me for delaying the visit. I could go blind, he said. I took the medication which included penicillin for the bacterial infection. I took the oral antibiotics and applied the eye  drops faithfully. After two days I became infuriated. The infection had not got better; instead it had gotten worse. What the heck! I paid fifty-five ringgit for this mess! However I became calm very fast later and thought it was my own fault really for not seeking a doctor's help quickly.
I thought I was going blind when I experienced a slight blurring on my right eye. Instead of going back to the GP I sought the help of an eye specialist who impressed me very much because he actually used his hands to lift my eyelids to have a close look. That was the difference between the first doctor and the specialist. The first did not come as close as a metre to look at me. He was looking at his computer screen more than at my face or my eyes. He only used his ears to listen to what I have to tell him and diagnosed the cause of infection that way. He did not even take my temperature or blood pressure as most doctors would for a middle aged person like myself.
Eventually the eye specialist concluded it was more of a viral infection that had caused the severeness of the eye inflammation. It was a flare up of a certain virus due to a failure in my immune system although initially it could be just bacterial or a reaction to some allergens.
After a week of close monitoring and careful administering of medicines prescribed by the specialist my eyes were healed in time for me to go overseas for a holiday trip. I was close to losing my clear almost normal vision. Now I learn my lesson well and not to take eyesight for granted. Seek a doctor's help quickly or else it will get more expensive.
Now I am happy to be back to my favourite pastime which is reading and painting.

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