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Sunday, June 3, 2012

Win That Battle

Life seems hopeless for Cecelia.  For twenty years  she has been praying faithfully that her husband will
one day abandon his old way of life for the sake of his children. He has not changed at all, getting worser each day  after their first child was born.  Blissful marriage life did not last long.  It ended a year after the marriage vows were taken.
Cecelia refused to give up hope.  Her children are her consolation.  What made her husband break his promise was something she did not understand.  There were some underlying problems that he had not revealed to her.  They slowly surfaced throughout the years and at first, Cecelia felt very hurt.  It was very unfair to her and she felt cheated.  As days went by, she found that her husband could not forget his past and sometimes, he would be mad for reasons incomprehensible to Cecelia.  Sometimes when an argument arose, though it was hardly about anything serious, she was hurled with accusations of causing the unhappiness in the family. Her husband would make the children believe she was the bad person. 
Cecelia understood that her husband was facing some psychological problems though she could not pin point exactly the nature of it.  She dealt with it patiently.  She was like the 'sand bag' for him to vent his frustrations on.  She understood his insecurities and wished to help him.  She always tried to put him in a better light in front of children and would not like her children to be psychologically affected too.
She wanted her children to respect their father and now, her children are all grown up, she hopes that they will always help him along.
The twenty-year long battle must not be fought in vain.  It must be won.
A life battle.   It is not won by our human efforts; all we need is to stand firm in our faith.   2 Ch 20:15-17   Yes, Glory to God!

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