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Sunday, June 3, 2012

One is One, Two is Two; Get down to Honesty

One of the common mistakes all little children will make is telling little lies.  Yes, the lie may be very small but if not corrected immediately, the child may think it is so easy to get away with it and may do it over and over again until he or she gets older.
In actual fact, they learn to tell lies from adults, probably their own parents, grandparents, uncles or aunts or older brothers or sisters. 
Bob told his son that if 'so and so' called ,' tell him that I am not  at home'.  'Don't tell him I am sleeping'. 
Why, daddy?  asked the little boy.
Just do what I said.  Don't you be stupid.
So, from this, the little boy learns to lie to his friends that he is not at home when in actual fact he is.
He also lies about a lot of many other things. 
Hey, why don't you join us for a movie?
Oh, I will be away somewhere.  That is a lie again.  He is not going anywhere. Why is it so hard to say that he cannot possibly afford to because he has spent a lot of money on study materials?  Is being poor so shameful? 
Children should be taught to be brave to face up to the truth.  Honesty is still the best policy.

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