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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Nothing Better to Talk About

One of the things that teenagers like to talk about is the topic on ghost stories.  Sometimes they can talk on ends about ghost stories, scaring themselves even long after they had finished them.  I personally think that one should not indulge in such conversations if one is weak in spirit.  It is not something to be taken lightly.It is better to be infused with good thoughts instead of dark ones, for the former will light up our spirit and make us grow into people who are loving and kind instead of weird and heinous characters.

Making up stories about haunted school toilets, halls, dormitories or libraries especially by senior students, is an irresponsible and thoughtless act   This will put the younger ones in jitters. I remember when I was in primary school, I had to hold my bladder  till I could not any longer before I finally excused myself from the teacher to go to the toilet.  I was terrified of going there because I kept on remembering the ghost story about somebody who had commited suicide by hanging herself in one of the toilets.  I remember that once I nearly wet my undies as I hurried to get out after I was frightened by the smacking sound made by a gecko, thinking it was the female ghost whom in my imagination had untidy long hair, with some of it covering her face, wearing a long white gown, very silent, and often lapping her long droopy red tongue at something. Very often I would feel rather cold as I stepped into the toilets. Very disturbing for a seven year old and it continued for a couple of years until I grew stronger in the heart.  A few of my friends often wanted to go to the toilets with another friend but our teachers would not let us because they suspected us for playing there, much to our dismay.  Now I wondered why we did not tell them our fears then.  Were teachers of the past that unapproachable?  That reminded me too about a classmate of mine who soiled her undies because she did not dare to go to the toilet.  The teacher was very mad at the idea that she had to do the dirty work but finally, she called in the janitor to do it instead. Everybody had to pinch their noses that morning and the poor little girl could not explain her fears. Therefore it is important that these story telling people be more positive in their thoughts.   It is like hanging a picture in your dining hall or bedroom.  Would you like an awful picture like 'The Scream' or a picture of beautiful flowers, a lovely lady or a beautiful scenery?  If you hang a depressing picture on your wall, I am sure depressing thoughts will accompany you too.
Isn't there enough of life's problems and worries to deal with?  Why put unwanted fear in another's life?
The dead might have gone on with their 'after life' totally unperturbed with the present going ons while we are still so much concerned about them. They might be very surprised why we even bother to! Let us be happy spirits instead.  Let us sing praises to our Creator and declare our love to Him! 

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