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Saturday, March 11, 2017

My friend, an atheist.

I had never known an atheist before but in the past five years I have come across about a dozen and I am quite suprised that people who do not acknowledge the existence of God do exist in my midst.  I thought they were some authors who wrote atheist books and not among any of my friends. However I realized how naive I was.
Therefore, I decided to try to understand them. I could not fathom how they could live from day to day not knowing God!
It would be too unthinkable for me. Impossible!
One atheist asked the question about why humans had to think they are different from  and more superior than other creatures. The atheist liked his idea of humility.
Oh no, but we are God's precious children. Eventhough we are sinners, He will always forgive us. I like to feel God' s unconditional love. I like to know of His supreme power so that whatever seems impossible becomes possible. I like to know that sometimes miracles do happen.
How sad and hopeless life will be if there is no God!

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