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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The first ever eye infection(Red Eyes Infection)

Believe it or not, I had never had any sort of eye infection as far back as I can remember.  I remember my classmates used to have it one after another but I never seemed to get it at all though I had secretly wished I did.  That was because I wanted to get away from school for a few days and get pampered at home.
Now I know how terrible the infection is.  My eyes were watery and sticky for a whole week.  In the mornings, the eyelids were stuck and it terrified me because I could not open them to see where I was going.  I must had looked very comical because my children could not hold their laughter.  They went, 'Yucks' and 'Yucks' when they saw all the 'stuff' that were sticking on my eyelids and lashes.  I had to go and wash my face quickly. I had to clean my eyes with Optrex and my eyes were stinging with pain.  The corners of my eyes seemed to split and going under the hot sun was even worse.  I could hardly open my eyes.  Now I think of how silly I was during my school days to wish to get the infection just because I want to be like those infected ones, having to wear dark glasses to school.
It was actually a viral infection because following that, I had  a slight fever, sore throat and a slight cough.
Now it is two weeks after but I am not fully recovered, I think.  Somehow, the upper respiratory tract seems very sensitive.  I think this 'flu' seems to be affecting people worldwide.  I  came across people blogging about it, some overseas people who were giving online sermons talked about themselves infected by it and many of my students were absent because they were also having this 'flu'.  Thank God it is a lesser strain of virus, not anything as dangerous as the 'bitd flu'.  However it was enough to scare me.
This eye infection which I had never had before....hahahaha...
Art Prints

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