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Monday, April 1, 2013

The Elephants Came

After the night at the chilli farm, there was a hot topic being transpired among everybody in the family except myself. It was something to do with the night at the chilli farm and I did not understand what they were all talking about at first. What...what do you mean?  I asked, suspecting something must have happened while  I was sleeping like a log. What elephants? I pestered, but nobody wanted to heed my inquisitiveness. After many attempts and my doggedness in pursuing knowledge of the secret story, I managed eventually to 'dig it out' from my mother.
Incidentally, during that night, a group of elephants had come so close to the hut that we were put into extreme danger.  It was fortunate that nobody had raised any alarm, otherwise we would not have survived the night.  In a way, it was a lucky thing that I was asleep or else I would have cried or made too much noise. Those were wild elephants and they had come out of the jungle in search of food.  The banana trees must have been their target.  According to my father, it was a large herd of them because they had produced a lot of noise and rumblings.  It was indeed a narrow escape, because if they were in a rage, they might resort to tearing down the hut and stamping us to death.
I complained about not being informed.  My brother chided me for treating the whole matter lightly. Do you know we could have been killed? Do you know how fearful it was to have a herd of real wild elephants roaming freely just behind your house?

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