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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Little Sparks, Big Fires

By the time Little Boy was satisfied with what he had seen, he shrank back into his house slowly so that he would not make any noise. He cupped his sister's mouth only to be bitten by her milk teeth.  'Ouch! Are you crazy?' 'Mom, Meg bit me!'
As he straightened his body, from cringing in pain, he saw that his mother was already down.  She showered him , in low whispers, with lots of questions about what he had seen. Feeling important, Little Boy forgot his pain and told his mother  as interestingly as possible.  Of course, some parts were a bit exaggerated and his mother knew him too well to believe him totally. She forgave him because she knew he had always been such an imaginative child. It was not important anyway and she wondered why she had taken an interest at all. Just wait for the news in the morning papers tomorrow, she told herself.  She went back to minding her children and shooed Little Boy off.
Little Boy shot off to finish his homework in his room upstairs.  As he climbed up the stairs, he imagined himself a superhero flying in supersonic speed to save a damsel in distress. He saw his granny fast asleep on the bed and he loved the smell of the bath soap she used.  He went and pecked a kiss on her pale cheek and then wheezed off to his chair.  The 'damsel' thanked him for his help and bade him goodbye.  That was  a good ending.  He settled down to his homework.

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