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Friday, September 2, 2011

Poverty Forgotten, God Forsaken

During my last Shanghai trip, my first trip to my parents' homeland, I had the opportunity to converse with a few locals. There was this old couple with two children(one male and the other female) in their thirties.  The four of them shared with me many familiar stories of their past.  They were surprised at how much I knew about their past as I chipped in to add a few details that my father told me about.  Soon, I was accepted as one of them for they could feel how much I could understand them.  They related about the Communist past and the tough times they had gone through.  I was soon welcome to their 'club'.  To show their hospitality, they invited me to eat in their homes and we chatted as we ate.
I was happy that my father's stories had become more real.  The story about how they used to celebrate the Lunar New Year with no new clothes.  It was always the same ones for every New Year until the children had outgrown them. They would not wear the suit of clothes on any other day except for the New Year or any other grand occasion.  It was usually red or had some red colour so that it would bring the real meaning to the festive season.  They did not have any lavish meals .  However, they would be given  something extra in their rations like more rice, candies or waxed meat.  During those days, there was not much jealousy amongst them as all were the same.  No one lived a more comfortable life than another.  The old people were the ones who could compare: they could compare with the pre-Communist days, when some of them had luxurious lives.
It makes me sad to think that nowadays people are  still unsatisfied with so much they possess.  There is always wanting for more and more or for better and better.  I don't know when it is going to stop.  Seems like there is no end.  It is some kind of disease or something.  Is it an evil of consumerism, or is it a propaganda that makes people spend so that the economy will not downturn, and who can guarantee which economic theory will be able to solve the crisis, do the economists know what they are saying.  It all boils down to what  is in one's heart.  Do you really care for another individual while you try to acquire as much wealth as you desire?  Are you able to say that you never try to manipulate another individual so that you are able to get the dollars that you want?  Do they realise the danger if there is such a great disparity in wealth distribution?  Are they so intoxicated with self interests that they are not aware or not sensitive to other peoples' suffering?  Some claim that they are so right in their own faiths, but when it comes to caring, they always point to others.  This and that group people will do the work while I busy myself with accumulating my wealth or with the progress of my children's education or careers.  

There is not going to be any wealth or any career if this world is going to be in a turmoil.  Feed the people with spiritual food and there will be food for all. People with a spiritual life will have a heart for others, for the community, for the country and the world.  There will be a better perspective when leaders implement their policies, be it domestic or international.  Sounds too idealistic.  Nothing is not impossible if you believe in the Almighty who controls everything.  We plan as if we are in control but it is God who determines everything.  Believe it or not, it is still your choice.

Let's 'fast' on food, on new clothes, on window shopping, on TV,on internet and maybe we will realise how much we are missing on what God has intended for us.  You will find that you will not eat for the sake of eating, that you will still look good in the dress that you had been using the twentieth time, that the book you are reading instead of going window shopping is 'helluva' interesting and you wonder why you hadn't spent more time reading,  you will also realise why you feel more energetic than before when you would sit for hours in front of the 'silly' box  and the meaningless chat sessions you had with some of your friends you have never met before.

When we are rich, we are tempted more than when we are poor.  Therefore for those who are rich in material wealth, do not be overwhelmed and for those who are poor, do not be sad.  I prefer to be spiritually rich.

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