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Saturday, July 23, 2011

Where there's a Will, There's a Way

The wooden bed was harder than usual that night.  He had not felt it that way before.  He  could not sleep because his mind was continuously thinking of all the different ways in which he  could rake in some money to feed his mother, two younger brothers and a young wife.  The warmth of his wife's body against his had been therapeutic last night because at the break of morning , he seemed to be replenished with a new zest of life.  He had told his wife to cook some food for him to bring on a long journey.
He set off on his bicycle and with his lunch box, breathing nothing to his mother.  He had just told his wife vaguely that he would be off to start a new business and would be back as soon as possible. 
As he cycled to the slaughter house, thoughts of doubt and uncertainty raced across his mind. What if I could not even finish selling  half of the pig?  What am I to do with the unsold pork?  What if, and before his mind tries to drag him back and slacken his pace, he heard a familiar voice shouting his name.  "Sang, how about today again at you know where?"
"Sorry, no.  I have something to do.  Important,seriously!" He was surprised at his own answer.
He had to start something.  He had to earn to keep the family together. The thought of his mother remarrying and of all the men,that Uncle Kong, nauseates him a great deal. No, I must not let it happen.  He bit his lips hard as he forced himself quickly towards the slaughter house.
The man at the abbatoir was ready to hand over his order.  A fairly good sized pig.  Not too fat and a good amount of lean meat.  That would make an easier sale, he thought.
He cycled off to get some strings at the wet market and asked the shopkeeper to give him some newspapers for free. The shopkeeper was kind because he knew Sang was a first timer as he had never seen him before. What a good start for the day, Sang thought.
That boosted his confidence and he cycled bravely towards a Chinese village not very far away.  He cycled fast because he wanted to be the first pork seller there that morning.

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