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Friday, February 18, 2011

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

For a few days I dared not approach my mother about buying a frock like the one ‘so and so’ had worn.  One fine day, I was told to go home from Ah Peng’s house because my mother had something for me. Having forgotten about the frock that I wanted so badly, I had actually refused to go home, thinking my mother would not have anything interesting to give me except for a few coconut sweets.  Usual stuff, I thought to myself.  My mother was shouting from across the road and it baffled me very much.  What can it be and why is my mother acting so strangely, I queried aloud.  I rushed off home with Ah Peng tagging behind me to find out what my mother had in store for me.

As I reached the front door of my house, I saw my mother holding a pink frock.  Oh my! I could not believe my eyes!  My mother had bought it without telling me.  Quickly, I undressed so that my mother could put on the new dress for me.  The chiffon frock was poky and I fidgeted as my mother tried to put it on for me.  It was just big enough to fit me and my mother had underestimated the size of my body. It would be better if it was larger so that I could at least wear it for another year or so.

  But I could not wait for another day, could not wait for it to be exchanged for a bigger one and insisted on wearing it at that instant.  Seeing that I could not be coaxed, and feeling too embarrassed about going back to the shop again, my mother eventually allowed me to wear it. Ah Peng was excited as well and she waited eagerly as my mother pulled up the zip behind me.  Suddenly, the zip bit into my skin and I gave a shriek.  I was mad at my mother for hurting me and for being very clumsy with the zip.  She was not very good with the zip because all our clothes had no zips!  My mum used press studs or buttons to secure any openings in her blouses and the children’s dresses were purposely made with broad enough neck holes so that they could just slip them over their heads. Zips were unnecessary and that could save on costs too.

After I had my new pink frock on, I ran out to show off to my neighbours.  Hoping to win a few praises, I paraded down the lane with Ah Peng.  The frock was extremely uncomfortable as the stiff chiffon kept on scratching my skin.  The hot afternoon did not help either. Soon I began to feel irritated by the dress.  To make things worse, nobody seemed to notice me and the few who saw me did not even make a single comment about my new dress.  I was disappointed at their behaviour. I was also angry because I thought that if it was ‘so and so’ they would be very generous in giving compliments. Nobody was impressed at how I looked.  Years later, I learnt to accept the fact that I was no natural beauty and that some are born to be exceptionally beautiful. I would just have to accept the reality that if it was only the dress that won praises and not the wearer, I would have to be graceful about it.

Feeling dejected, I went straight home to have the chiffon frock changed into my cotton dress with large sunflower prints.  It was my favourite dress because it did not make feel hot and it gave me much freedom.  I could jump, run, or sit anywhere while wearing it. As I grew older, i learnt that being happy with what one has is true happiness.

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