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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Outsized flip flops and opportune freedom

   One late morning, the house was unusually quiet. It was one of the times when the elderly ladies had to go out to run their errands or to drop by at one of my neighbour's house.  Feeling happy because I had actually imagined them to be out, I decided to take this golden opportunity to get out of the dreaded bedroom. However, with some doubts still, I did not tread out as boldly as I had hoped to.

  I was very cautious, so at first, I put out one foot into the doorway. When no reprimanding voice from my mother or grandma was heard, the other foot joined the former.  Soon, I was in the doorway.  Still no response from whoever that could be in the house.My heart leapt out in joy. I braved myself and ventured further steps. I was completely elated when I finally made it to the front door. Then, out of perfect coincidence, a familiar face popped out from the front door of the house opposite mine.  It was Ah Peng!

     Ah Peng lived across the road.  Somehow, without even uttering a single word, our mutual stares told us what we both wanted at that instance.  Hastily, we put on whatever flip flops available at our doorsteps.We did not have our own because in those days, our parents would not buy shoes or any other foot gear for their very young children as they would soon outgrow them.

 I wore my mother's flip flops whereas Ah Peng wore her grandma's.  Wearing outsized flip flops, the two of us trudged down the lane.  Ah Peng suggested that we go to a big monsoon drain nearby. She talked excitedly about it.  However, I was apprehensive about going too far away.  She insisted and quelled my fears by claiming that she had seen with her own two keen eyes , the elderly ladies of my house leaving, each going their own way. 

 With that assurance, I felt relieved and continued the journey with the extremely zealous Ah Peng.

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